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The Phoenix Project Epub To 81


Zeppelin made three flights with his first airship, on the thirdmaking 17.8 miles per hour (8 meters per second) but the funds hadbecome exhausted and overtures to the Government and industrialconcerns failing, he dissolved the stock company and began anewhis struggle for capital. Somehow or other people were not interestedin aerial navigation. They were less willing to invest theirresources in experimental machines. For five years Zeppelin laboredtirelessly to make persons believe in his project. He personallytraveled the length and breadth of the land endeavoring to show thatthis was an enterprise so stupendous in its possibilities and importanceto the world that it should be substantially endorsed.

All of the variables used in the analysis were joined to census tract shapefiles generated by the US Census Bureau. Obesity rates were reported by the 500 Cities Project as an estimated percentage of adults within a census tract with a body mass index of 30.0 kg/m2 or greater for the year 2014 and can be downloaded directly from the project website.Footnote 2 In total, there were 815 suitable tracts identified within the Phoenix metropolitan area.Footnote 3 A variety of different explanatory variables were selectively chosen to develop a robust model (Table 1), which are explained below.

the phoenix project epub to 81

The data generated by the 500 Cities Project allows for fine-scale evaluation of obesity at the metropolitan level for census tracts by downsampling from counties using statistical techniques [53,54,55,56]. Data from the project fall into three general categories: health outcomes, prevention, and unhealthy behaviors. Initially, a large number of potential variables were drawn from the project dataset, including those associated with unhealthy behaviors, such as smoking, drinking, lack of sleep, physical activity, and health insurance. However, these variables exhibited high collinearity based on their global variance inflation factors (VIFs) when evaluated against one another (i.e., greater than 10) or pose the issue of endogeneity. Collinearity occurs when the variables represent redundant information. For example, those who frequently smoke and drink often do so in tandem [57], and if both behaviors are conducive to obesity than it is not possible to decipher the individual relationships between these variables. Endogeneity occurs when relationships are circular and it is not possible to identify a potential direction of causality. For example, the physical activity variable was not included in the model because it is not clear whether or not lower physical activity causes higher obesity rates or if higher obesity rates cause individuals to engage in less physical activity [58, 59]. Ultimately, the percentage of individuals who reported undergoing annual checkups was the only explanatory variable from the 500 Cities Project included in the study due to the issues described above. This variable is defined as the number of individuals that received at least one routine doctor visit, such as an annual physical examination, and does not include visits for specific ailments. Primary care is frequently cited as a means of reducing the likelihood of whether or not an individual will be susceptible to obesity and the negative health conditions associated with it [49, 60,61,62,63].

This work was supported by the Natural Science Funds of Jiangsu Province (BK20130091), National Natural Science Foundation of China (H0420), and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation funded project (2012 M521063). 2ff7e9595c

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